Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Testimonial Tuesday: Sleeping Beauty Sleep Spray

Sleeping Beauty

As anyone who knows me, knows that I adore my children.  They are the light of my life.  I’m not going to lie, it has been extremely difficult at times.  Take for instance, my daughter.  She is the most caring and kind person I know.  Her huge heart reaches out and absorbs all the energies around her, turning her into this energetic, funny, loveable cherub.  With all this personality, there are a few downsides.  The main downside is the fact that she can’t sleep.  I don’t mean, toss and turn but eventually wears out and gets her rest.  NOPE.  She is six years old and we still have many nights where she needs me.  How do we cope with this?  Well let me tell you my secret.  

My daughter is addicted to lavender.  She will not lay her head down for bed without the comforting spray of our Sleeping Beauty Linen Spray.  After we spray down her pillows, it’s natural for her to want to lay and unwind.  We start by reading stories together and end it by talking about our future plans.  It is the most pleasant way to spend the end of the day.  

I have a second secret.  I typically fall asleep with her.  Yes, the spray is that good.  I won’t even be tired, and BAM!  I’m out cold.  

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