Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday News Edition 3

A shameless plug:

And now here are some links to check out for a great Sunday read:

The Ultimate Guide to Herbal Oils:
“Herbs not only add taste and texture to food, but are also abundant sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and unique medicinal properties. Certain herbs and spices can even help you maintain a healthy body weight, as they promote weight loss” Click on the link to keep reading

Is Your Perfume Poison?
“Spritzing on perfume or cologne is a daily ritual for many, not to mention that the vast majority of personal care products – shampoo, lotion, deodorant – contain fragrances of their own.
There’s a dirty little secret the fragrance industry would rather you not know …” Click on the link to keep reading

Essential oils support physical and emotional well being:  
Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds in a highly concentrated form that can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts. Please understand that I am referring to pure, therapeutic grade essential oils from plants, NOT synthetic fragrances and perfumes, which can be toxic and are typically loaded with allergenic compounds.”  Click on the link to keep reading  

Aromatherapy Shower Steamers
Some people just don’t like to take baths. I can understand that. Sometimes I just get too hot and usually run the risk of dropping whatever it is i’m reading whether it be a book or a tablet. Sometimes a shower can be the perfect healing apparatus. Especially when you have your own homemade aromatherapy shower steamers on hand!  Click on the link to keep reading.  Check out our shower steamers.  

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