Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Thankful Tuesday: Giving Back to Our Teacher Ms. P.

 Here is one of our highlighted teachers this month.  Don't forget that 20% of our proceeds will go to fund these projects.  Feel free to follow the link below and donate to help a specific teacher.

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Good-Bye, Desks!

My students need 3 tables to help make our classroom less cluttered. If we make our classroom less cluttered students can sit freely around the classroom and do their best learning!

My Students

As a teacher in a high poverty school, my students are faced with many challenges in and out of the classroom every day. It is my goal to make as much of an impact on their lives as I can in the short time I have with them. My students come from a wide range of backgrounds. My school serves students with limited English skills. Despite this, they are hard workers and want to learn! They like to move around and they love to read!

My Project

I am saying good-bye to traditional seating in my classroom and giving my students different options of seating choices in our third grade classroom. This is called flexible seating. It has been proven to improve behavior and concentration in students.
Who doesn't want to be comfortable when they are working?
My students already have rugs, yoga mats, pillows and various options of seating choices available to them in our classroom. But, our big old traditional style desks are getting in the way. Having tables in the room will give students another option of places to work. Help us make our room less cluttered!

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